Work in Progress
Zurich (Cinema Toni-ZHdK)
Saturday 7 November, 13:30
GENRE: Documentary
COUNTRIES: All over the global
YEAR: to be released in 2022
LENGTH: 9 min excerpts (the expected film will be 90 min)

Manuel Stagars (Director & Writer)
Stagars is an award-winning Swiss film director, who creates films around the subjects of creativity, science, innovation, technology, and their impact in society. His award-winning documentary films have reached hundreds of thousands of people and have screened at film festivals worldwide.
In 2005, Stagars began developing, directing and producing independent documentary films. His award-winning film The Blockchain and Us (2017) has received more than 600,000 views online and translations into nine languages. Stagars’ films have screened around the world, including at the World Economic Forum in Davos and Science Week/SCINEMA in Australia.
Stagarsstudied economics at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and has led an Open Data research project as a senior researcher at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH).
Digital Transformation consists of interviews with visionaries, futurists, scientists, entrepreneurs, politicians, artists, authors, and others around the world who speak about their views and hopes for the digital future. Technology offers nations, companies, and people amazing tools. Many of them are useful, others less so. If we use them in a responsible way, the future isn’t inevitable, it is what we make of it.
The purpose of this documentary project is to feature as many opinions about the digital future as possible to encourage a lively conversation. Interviews for this project take place with people who have strong thoughts about the economic and social impacts of technology in the digital age. So far, interviewees from Silicon Valley, Los Angeles, Santa Fe, Austin, Toronto, Bern, Zurich, London, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Taipei, Tokyo, and Sydney have participated.